New Service Offered - Reiki Home Cleansing & Blessing

Reiki as a means of clearing and cleansing your home or place of business has been found to be an effective tool to rid the property of past or lingering energy of previous owners, guests, as well as inherent energies from centuries of habitation of the land itself. With your home being your largest investment; a Reiki cleansing aides in release of those unharmonious energetic fields in and around the property, including garages, backyards, and the surrounding land that encompass the structure. Removing those energies from your home and property is functionally completed by a certified Reiki Master.

Our Reiki Master will perform a purification ceremony consisting of two main steps that are performed to cleanse the space of residual, non-essential energies and bless the property to increase the harmonious prosperity and peace within the dwelling and its inhabitants.

Cleansing the property includes a Reiki and Sage smudging in each room and each corner of the property. All four directions of the home and its property are cleared and smudged with white sage, Reiki infused crystals and tuning forks to release previous persisting energies and to bring neutrality of energies to the property. Clearing the space and the four corners of the property is the primary action completed to cleanse the property.

Once the property has been cleansed, a blessing of the home is performed to solidify the actions of the cleansing while generating a positive, peaceful and prosperous environment for the inhabitants of the property inside and out.

Cleansing is suggested in the following situations:

  • Move into a new home, office space, townhome, apartment or storage area

  • Buy and/or build on land, including farm and ranch land, barns and equipment

  • Are preparing to sell a current home or acquired home/property

  • Completed a recent remodel, paint job or new installation in your home/property

  • Recently had multiple overnight guests or large parties or get together

  • Addition to the family, such as new child or pet

Contact me today to schedule your property cleansing & blessing at

New Product Announcement - Allergen Neutralizer

We are very excited to announce the release of our newest product here at WHA...a tincture for those pesky allergies!  This proprietary blend of herbs contain antihistamines, help boost immunity and gently clear the liver, which is often the culprit of allergy symptoms.   All natural relief for seasonal and year-round allergies!

New Product - Immunity Reinforcement!!!

Are you feeling a bit under the weather?  Are you getting ready to fly on a plane?  Surrounded by sniffling and sneezing co-workers?  We are proud to announce our newest product at Wethington Holistic Arts...Immunity Reinforcement!

This wonderful new tincture is crafted with herbs specific to boosting the immune system and reinforce its strength to fight off those pesky germs.  Made with organic osha, echinacea, goldenseal, elderberry and astragalus!  You can find this new tincture on our online store at
